Friday, May 06, 2005

Emotions and Passions.

Sometimes when you are tossing in your bed counting sheeps, you start thinking about life work life and such mundane stuff. Why was I doing what I was doing ? How people get so passionate about things. What are these emotions people feel so strongly about. adi ityadi. Mind you these things happen after you have read the discussions about "Quality" and such stuff in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence". And specially when you have slept throughout the day and again went to bed early to wake up in time for office. But alas only sheeps and clouds.

I remember one time during our initial days at the institute. There was one guy talking very enthusiastically about hostel publicity, raids and stuff and trying to get me involved. I looked at his face and in his eyes and felt sort of detached and thought man how can anyone get enthusiasm for such a thing. For that matter for anything in life so as to try to convince others. I thought myself as a person with lack of passions and emotions. Hmmm now I recall that I have felt these often not burning passion for anything but emotions at least. I didn't knew that I hated the Bangalore auto guys so much that I fought with a poor auto guy for 5 bucks!! For that matter a parking guy for Re. 1. Its kind of embarassing when you think about it. But may be at that time I felt something very strong. Well whatever I think this is the point where I went to sleep. :) The thoughts at that time were creative, plenty and perfect to pen down. But I dont have access to my comp at home otherwise I would have surely typed it down. And after the essentials of the day you have nothing left inside your head to write down which is happening now. I think I will get a laptop for these lonely and creative nights.

BTW I just read Varun's post and Himanshu's post AFTER I have written this. (I write at office late in the day and put it on blog from a friend's palce.) Now of course what a coincidence that all of us were tossing over the same thing. Read "The Celestine Prophecy". I am a firm believer of the first prophecy about coincidences. It is a very well written book given what we(at least I) feel about today's world.


At 12:25 AM, May 07, 2005, Blogger himanshu agrawal said...

chamad dude, the coincidence was really too much in this case..
btw i have continued discussion on jat's post on my blog, may be u can join :)

At 12:55 PM, May 08, 2005, Blogger Varun Singh said...

too much dude! come join in the discussion..

how are things in Tokyo? Picture liyo?


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