Saturday, May 28, 2005

Some time well spent

We generally plan our weekend by looking at this Friday magazine that lists up the things going on in the city over the weekend. Now there was this beer festival at Yebisu park. Obviously we went to have a look and a sip. We landed at the Yebisu metro station and passed thorugh what seemed like a Barber market. Every second shop was a barber's. The barbers here have this funda of a 10 minute session for Y1000. I think this gives every other guy in Tokyo, a partially-done-hair-cut look. It must have gone like this "Dude, your 10 minutes are up so come next week, go take an appointment from my secretary." By next week guy decides what the heck this looks good. Unfortunately a lot of guys felt like that and it became a fashion. People like me are the odd-man-out.
About that beer festival, it was at Yebisu garden place which itself was worth a visit. There were people showing off their dogs, kids playing and some kid-contest etc going on. We could not find the beer festival but found a pub in the park. So, had what we came for. Talking about dogs, Japs have these very little, cute looking rat sized dogs, a few have bigger. I mean upto the size of a cat. Thats the limit. They like to carry them in bags, buckets etc. And the dogs look like as if they are stepping out of a hair stylist/beauty clinic. There were quite a few on show at the park. From there we went to Ikebukoro which is famous as biggest shopping area in Tokyo. It was too costly for us but still one of us baught a blue(!!) coloured leather shoes. The city was having its effects I guess. On sunday we went to Omote sando(O-mote-sand-o). There is this open area where girls come dressed up as different characters. Its a good spot for tourists etc. Clicked a few pics. There was one particularly dangerous looking character dressed up as what I think was dracula. It was good fun.


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