Thursday, September 29, 2005

Here I am

I am back with my travelouge. I am now at ESCP-EAP, Paris on a semester exchange. This is my first visit to Europe and the work culture here is totally different from what I have experienced so far. People work but they seem to enjoy life more than anyone I have seen elsewhere. There is very little prevelance of fast food. Though one sees the omnipresent McD and chains like Quick burgers. But nothing here is fast the lunch starts at 12 and goes on till 2. The administration is slow though effecient. And they even tried to offcially extend the weekend to include firdays. The innumerable cafes seems to be always full. There is no Barista, no Starbucks only these cafes. These spill over to the roads and are very tempting. Of course on our budgets we dont even take trouble to check out the prices. We carry our own sandwhiches and juice bottles baught in bulk. We are trying to transfer as much of our food budget to travel. Plans are on. We might go to Bruges, a beautiful city in Belgium.

The university is world class. I didnt expect such good quality of professors after hearing the experiences of our seniors. They seemed to have only enjoyed their exchange and never studied. But its not that thye courses need effort. The classes are like a cinemascope Benetton ad and a dressing sense to match. Lots and lots of exchange students are here

Its a long time since I have spent and lived in constraint. It was the case 6 years back when I joined my undergrad. Phewww that was 6 years back!!!!! I have come a long way :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Paris It is

I reached Paris last week. Still in the settling in phase. Though have been to Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Seinne River, Pantheon, Notre Dame and what not. Details later.